
Estimate you take home pay with the IFL Contracts calculator.

Enter your daily rate to get an estimate of your take home pay.
Daily rate



You Net

If your using a PC you can set your daily rate using the slider below.

The Breakdown.

Gross Pay
Less Fees
Less Employeers NI
Less NI
Less Income Tax

Net Income

Total deductions include your total NI contributions and your total tax payment. Your fee to us is not included in this but is deducted from your Net Income.

In this example Fees are charged at £75 per month based on you being paid monthly.

About your Tax

Your Taxable Pay

Gross Pay
Less Fees
Less Employeers NI
Less Tax Allowance

Taxable Pay

Total Tax

Income Tax at 20%
Income Tax at 40%
Income Tax at 45%

Total Tax


Your tax allowance assumes that you have a tax code of 1257L.

When you are an employee, your employer also pays an 13.8% NI contribution on the part of your income exceeding £175 per week. HMRC Class 1 NI

About your NI contributions

Income subject to NI

Gross Pay
Less Fees
Less Employeers NI

Income subject to NI

Lower NI at 12%

NI Lower Threshold
Pay subject to NI at 12%

Employees NI at 12%

Higher NI at 2%

NI Higher Threshold
Pay subject to NI at 2%

Employees NI at 2%

Total NI

Employees NI at 12%
Employees NI at 2%

Total NI


Income exceeding £967 per week (NI Higher Threshold) is subject to a 2% NI contribution. Income over the NI Lower Threshold but under the NI Higher Threshold is subject to a 2% NI contribution.

When you are an employee, your employer also pays an 13.8% NI contribution on the part of your salary exceeding £175 per week. HMRC Class 1 NI.

Email yourself

Email these results to yourself for future reference.